Why Us

A Sport’s Activity is not only enjoyable for a kid but it also boosts creativity, expression, grasping power, confidence and leads to self-actualization.

Sports have the power to lift children’s spirits and brighten their outlook on life while buffering them from problems that affect their optimal physical and psychological development. To bring this positive change ss mpe sports pvt. ltd has developed a multi-sport physical education programme. SSMPE Sports Pvt. Ltd sports is a multi-sport programme for kids from grades play group to grade 10 and offers sports and physical education cirriculum for 18 national games.


With a history of providing high quality curriculum and extracurricular activities we deliver thousands of activity sessions each month to schools across india. Our programmes are crafted for the schools where innovation is a rule and where a child’s independent thinking is celebrated with the help of our in house technical team and on board education advisors. in addition we are also a training provider, meaning we train and skill the school’s work force. all schools seeking an outside partner will want to be assured that they are getting the best possible service. Our teams work with schools and assisting them with resources, tools, and solutions making their curriculum and learning more radical. Each member of our team is trained according to naspe standards. In fact we have a dedicated coach upgradation programme to coach the coaches/instructors.